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Sharing Your Voice - A Social Night for Disabled People

Wellington Access Radio

Sharing Your Voice - A Social Night for Disabled People

5:00pm, Thu 20 July, 2023
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Event Details

Free Drinks, Free kai!

Join us at Wellington Access Radio for a night of kai, drinks and kōrero.

This event is a social night for disabled people to share our experiences, talk accessibility and explore new ways to spread our voices.

We will have two speakers, Áine Kelly-Costello and Jonathan Mosen.

Áine is a climate justice and disability rights campaigner, journalist and musician. She hosts and produces Disability Crosses Borders, a podcast and blog where disability, migration and culture meet. She also hosts the Enabling Commons podcast that provides space for dialogue among persons with disabilities to explore strategies that will transform our environment, our commons, to be meaningfully enabling for all. 

Jonathan Mosen is an experienced podcaster and advocate. He started podcasting in 2004 and runs the Living Blindfully podcast which is devoted to helping blind or low-vision people live their best lives.

Please RSVP so we can send you an accessibility information sheet. This will include parking, getting in the building and overall building accessibility. There is elevator access, and we will also have an usher at the front door to show people to our floor.

Please note that we will have a limit on the number of people who can attend due to COVID safety and to protect immune-compromised folk. We encourage people who can to wear a mask. We will have masks at the event.

There will also be two separate chill-out rooms if people need a time-out. One of the rooms is quiet and will have dim lighting if anyone experiences sensory overload.

Unfortunately, due to lack of funding, we will not have New Zealand Sign Language interpretation.

Mā mātou anō mātou e kōrero e hoa mā!

Friends, nothing about us without us!