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InsideOut: Design your happiness

Bright Coaching

InsideOut: Design your happiness

7:00pm, Thu 28 April, 2022
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Welcome to InsideOut, an event designed to inspire you to discover your own path to happiness.

Have you ever thought to yourself  “I’ll start exercising Monday” Or “Oh, I really need to do more of this! I’ll start tomorrow” and then Monday or the next day comes and….nothing. With all the great intentions, somehow you are still doing it the same way you always have.

Then you are not alone. Many of us think well-being and ultimately happiness is about exercise and nutrition, maybe a bit of mindfulness and mediation in between. In fact, well-being is about so much more. It's about all areas of your life. But really, it's mainly about you.

What if, there isn’t a one size fits all? What if, there are only guidelines and your perfect recipe for your well-being is a completely unique one? So, whatever works for Jenny down the road doesn’t necessarily work for you. There is nobody in this world that is exactly like you, nobody that knows you better than yourself.

So why do we so often look outside of ourselves for the answers to our happiness?

We think it’s time for us to look inward. To discover the ingredients for our very own recipe of well-being and happiness so we can be well from the inside out! For ourselves and for others around us.

Welcome to InsideOut, an event designed to inspire you to discover your own path to well-being. We bring you speakers from all walks of life and across a broad range of industries. They are experts in their industries, experts in their own life and their individual journey to well-being.

They are not gurus that will sell you the next best thing. The next fad to follow or will tell you about all the things you should be doing.

But they are extraordinary ordinary people sharing their journeys so you can learn from their mistakes, their successes and their knowledge and understand that all parts of daily life impact your well-being and ultimately your happiness.

Walk away feeling inspired and armed with ideas and tools to design your happiness in 2022. 

The doors open at 6.30pm on 3rd February 2022 at The Generator or join us online via live stream to watch the event from the comfort of your own home. 

Drinks will be available to purchase at the bar.